Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I pulled away from the driveway with both imps screaming...

...and I did not feel the slightest bit guilty (sorry honey). I was not feeling the slightest bit sorry because I was heading to a 'parent mandatory' school function (on an empty stomach--but to be fair I started dinner a tad too late).

I was running a little late because wife.imp got caught in traffic and was delayed (but no phone call to let me in on the new timing--I know, I know. If the situation was reversed wife.imp would have read me the riot act).

So why were the imps crying? Because I thought they would have to come with me and instead of a gourmet salmon meal, I was taking them to McDonalds and as we walked out the front door, wife.imp pulled up...

...and I left her standing there in the driveway with both imps screaming and wondering if the neighbors were going to call Children Services...


Maria said...

She one upped you....took them to McDonald's and then Dairy Queen for dilly bars....

Hannah said...

ooh, mcdonald's promised and then taken away... i'd say you got even with wife.imp for not calling you when traffic backed up.

wayabetty said...

Why not come home with "the bucket" and everyone will be joy joy happy happy! You're mean DADDEEE!!

Diana said...

BURN! (Please tell me you know about that.) You are an evil, evil man! bwahahahahahahahahaha!

Diana said...

p.s- your kids are going to HATE you for that until the day they die, you know that right?