Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Lunch Out

Ok, I have been invited to lunch with the wife.imp and her co-workers!
Yes, the Trophy Husband is going on display for the holidays!!

I must keep this short so that I can get out the power washer and scrape of the grime and grit built up over the last....oh, 30 odd years!! LOL

Then I will have to go do some shopping. Some for me, some for the holidays!

Being the 'Kept Man' might have its advantages!

anyone know what time Oprah is on?


dennis said...

It appears that I spoke too soon. Wife.Imp just called and told me that "'s not you. Really. It's me...'

Or was it, "'s the holidays and it was short notice and we just need more space..."

translation: You (meaning me) need to stay home and clean the house because we might be having company over and I had better not come home to a pig-sty!

Or maybe not!


(ok ok honey. i know you will be reading this. Kidding!!)

Anonymous said...

Out for the showin'!

(Don't forget to show some leg)